Welcome to Third Class 23/24
Summer Term 2024
Third Class went on an exciting tour at ATU in Sligo to visit the Robo Think Workshop and the pupils got to build and drive their own go karts. We also looked around a Science Fair, with many different stalls to see!.
In History we investigated all about the Famine. We went on a visit over to the workhouse beside Munday's Field and looked around the Famine Memorial site.
In the week leading up to the Rory Gallagher festival, we created posters to put up around the school advertising the festival. We also created portraits of Rory Gallagher, tracing pictures using sunlight from the windows.
Third Class went to Arena 7 and Tropical World for our School Tour. We got to see loads of interesting animals and insects and everyone was allowed to hold a snake! We also played bowling and did laser tag!
Everyone really enjoyed Sports Day! We started our day by getting ice cream in Pearse's and afterwards enjoyed pilates, zumba, tug of war, hurling, obstacle courses and the disco!
We made use of the good weather while we had it by doing PE out on the pitch and going on walks to the Mall Park!
During April to June, Third Class took part in a darts league to practice playing a new game while also working on their maths skills. We had a finals day where pupils from other classes watched the action - congratulations to our finalists and everyone who took part across the league!
SESE - Games and Toys from Past to Present
Third Class have been learning all about games and toys, both from the past and from present day. We have explored how different games were played as well as how toys have developed over time. We also created projects about our favourite games and toys.
Our Spring Term 2023
This term 3rd class have been very busy working on all areas of the curriculum. We have been practicing so hard on our maths skills, focusing on multiplication, division and fraction work.
. In SESE we have learned all about China, both in its Ancient and present forms, and we have also conducted many science experiments, such as making catapults and making ice cream.
In our Gaeilge classes we have been learning all about Bia, Éadaí and Caitheamh Aimsire. We also looked into caring for environment through learning about Pope Francis’ letter “Laudato Sí”. 3rd class have been also looking into the work of charities, especially the St Vincent de Paul charity, which culminated in a visit to the St Vincent de Paul shop down the mall to see all the work they do for the charity there.
We have made lots of colourful art this term, including focusing on symmetry by making butterflies and dot painting - creating lovely Easter Bunny silhouettes.
This year, we performed a play titled "The Fortnite Before Christmas", based on the video game "Fortnite". Everyone worked so hard learning off their lines, practicing all the songs and concentrating on their cues to enter and leave the stage. We were all very excited to use the Rock Hall this year, our first time doing so as a class!
Bundoran Cinema Trip 2023
We travelled to the cinema in Bundoran before the Christmas holidays to watch the new "Wonka" movie. We all thought it was a fantastic film!
Santa Visit 2023
When we had our Santa visit, all the children asked Santa great questions. Everyone also received their Christmas annuals!
Trips to the Abbey Centre
During this term we visited the Abbey Centre here in Ballyshannon. We were treated to a wonderful talk by author Shane Hegarty and a fantastic performance of a play called "Elfie Saves Christmas".
In Science we have done different experiments investigating what is in our soil and exploring the density of different liquids.
In Geography we learned all about Italy and in History we have studied Ancient Rome.
In Geography we learned all about Italy and in History we have studied Ancient Rome.
Term 1 2023
In Science we have conducted several experiments related to different topics. We have explored gravity by making marshmallow towers. We also created physical reactions using coke and mints, and made rain gauges to record how much rainfall was seen in the first few days of October.
In Geography we have explored the roles of people in our school, both staff and students. We also have been learning about the properties of different materials and the differences between solids, liquids and gases.
For History, we have been learning all about how schools have changed over the years and we have learned loads about the Bronze Age. We even began a project where we built our own Bronze Age Homes!
In Geography we have explored the roles of people in our school, both staff and students. We also have been learning about the properties of different materials and the differences between solids, liquids and gases.
For History, we have been learning all about how schools have changed over the years and we have learned loads about the Bronze Age. We even began a project where we built our own Bronze Age Homes!
Maths Week 2023
For Maths week, we all solved daily Maths problems along with playing new games to form mental strategies to learn our multiplication tables. We also played Maths games in PE, incorporating our adding, subtracting and multiplying.
Our Art
Here is some of the art that we have created so far this year!