In 2018/2019 we achieved recognition as a DPSM School for the first time, achieving a certificate award.
In 2019/2020 we are attempting to step up a level and achieve a Plaque Standard. You can review our first years work here and follow our progress in 2019/2020 as we continue on our STEM journey.
To achieve an award as a DPSM school we have to demonstrate how we engage in 5 Criteria related to the STEM subjects. Step 1 relates to Science, Step 2 to Technology, Step 3 to Engineering, Step 4 to Maths and Step 5 to Show and Tell. We have to provide a digital log of evidence of our STEM activities. This section of our school website is dedicated to that Digital Log of Evidence. You can click on the buttons below to view the evidence that we have provided in our application for the award. This year we are involving all classes in the school and aiming for a Certificate Award.