Concern Primary Debates
Well done to the 6th Class Pupils who took part in the Concern Primary Debates this year. This is the first year the school took part in these debates and the pupils did very well to reach the County Finals, losing out to a well drilled team from Kilmacrennan NS.
5th and 6th Class Visit the Rock Home
A few months ago 5th and 6th class visited the Rock Home to sing a few Christmas Songs and spread the Christmas cheer. We had a lovely visit and were treated like royalty with the mince pies and tea, crisps and goodies after our singing. We would like to offer our condolences to the families of those who have passed on since that happy day and wish the very best to everyone else during this difficult Covid Crisis.
History Projects - Motte & Bailey Castles
Design and MakeCongratulations to everyone who did such a great job designing and making the castles. Watch the video to learn a little about the Normans in Ireland and see our work. Special thanks to Alex from Mrs Mc Ginn's class who was inspired by the work of the senior class to make his own Castle, which is featured at the end of the video.
5th & 6th Class Christmas Plays 2019
TranslationsAt the start of the school year we watched John Creedon's Atlas of Ireland which dealt with how places in Ireland got their names. We read Brian Friel's play Translations and some of the class did a version of the first Act as part of our Class Drama.
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Part 7 |
Part 8 |
Part 9 |
Part 10 |
Part 11 |
Part 12 |
Making Hovercrafts from HolyFamily on Vimeo. |
Science Experiment about frictionHow do Hovercrafts travel on land and water?
What kind of surfaces reduce friction? Using simple materials , build your own Hovercraft and discover what forces are used to make it move in different ways. |
Museum On The MoveOn Monday 7th October we visited the Natural HIstory Museum Roadshow which came to Bundoran Library as part of Wainfest. We met Jim Martin from the museum who told us all about animals from the past and present and how their survival depends so much on humans.
Dráma faoin scéal An Rothar Nua
Picking Blackberries - Making Crumble
An Rothar Nua2 from HolyFamily on Vimeo. |
An Rothar Nua from HolyFamily on Vimeo.