Welcome to Fifth and Sixth Class
xth class celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday 12th May in Star of the Sea Church, Bundoran. The children were conferred by Monsignor O Reilly with the mass concelebrated by Canon Munster and Canon Mc Grourty.
ComputersThis is a video of our class playing a game of Kahoot. This is a quiz game based on things we learned in school. Whoever answers the questions in the fastest time gets the most points. And the winner is..........
Active MathsWe took advantage of the recent good weather and took our Maths class outdoors. Firstly we used cardboard and tape to construct square metres. We then used these square metres to measure the area of shapes drawn on the tarmac. We then learned the formula for measuring area and used metre sticks and trundle wheels to calculate the area of the basketball court, junior yard, field and hall.
See attached some of our latest Artwork. We recently completed a series of three lessons using chalk pastels. |
Sportshall Athletics In recent PE classes we practiced for the Sportshall Athletics competition. All children in the class competed in a minimum of one track and one field event. Track events included speed bounce, vertical jump, standing long jump, chest push, triple jump and soft javelin throw. |
Trip to Cathleen's Falls We recently visited Cathaleen’s Fall Hydroelectric station on an SESE field trip. While there, we learned about the history of the generating station and how the water is harnessed to produce electricity |
World Book Day To celebrate World Book day, 5th and 6th classes visited 1st-4th classes to tell stories in a 'Reader's Theatre' format. Later, they worked with children from Junior and Senior Infants. Each child from Ms Maguire's class was read stories by four different children from fifth and sixth classes. |
Donegal Person of The Year Jason Black visits Holy Family NS We were delighted to welcome Jason Black to the school on March 7th. Jason is an endurance athlete who has conquered many of the highest peaks in the world including Mount Everest and K2. Jason gave an inspirational talk to the children of 5th and 6th class emphasising the importance of self-belief, demonstrating kindness to others, goal-setting and resilience in life. |