Active Schools 2023-2024
We are busy this year working towards the renewal of our Active Schools Flag. We received our first Active School Flag in 2021 and our current flag is up for renewal in November 2024. Our social media- Facebook and Instagram page are updated regularly- check them out to see how ACTIVE we are as a school. Our Active School Committee for this year are pictured here. They have and continue to work on various initiatives to ensure we have high levels of activity throughout the school on a daily basis. We are always engaging in some form of physical activity each and every day here in the Holy Family so as of September 2024 we will have an Active School Uniform. Our current active school slogan was created by two pupils in 3rd class. Physical Education Curriculum: All of the classes in our school are taught the six strands of the PE curriculum each year (five strands- infants). We all teach the same strands concurrently and we also focus on the same two fundamental movement skills while engaging with each strand. Most teachers use the P.S.S.I. lessons to guide their planning and teaching. P.E. Curriculum Plan- Strand/Fundamental Movement Skills Plan Sept/Oct- Athletics- Running/Jumping Nov/Dec- Dance- Hop/Skip/Side step Jan/Feb-Gymnastics-Landing/Balancing March/April- Games- Catch/Throw/Kicking May/June-Outdoor Activities -Running/Skipping We are also very lucky to be in such close proximity to the pool so 1st class -6th class always engage in an eight week swimming programme. This year it was in Term 3. All classes engage with the PAWS Water Safety Programme every June. All classes engage in 60 minutes of P.E. lessons per week. Some classes split this 60 minutes into two 30 minute slots per week. Strand & Fundamental Movement Skill Focus: As part of our Active Flag we decided to put a big focus on the Strand “Games” this year. All classes have been given the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of games this year including Gaelic football, hurling, rounders and various playground games through the Playground Leaders initiative. We also choose 4 Fundamental Movement Skills to focus on this year. October- February 1) Jumping for height 2) Jumping for distance March- June 1) Catching 2) Striking with an implement All teachers in the school use the Move Well Move Often to inform their teaching and planning of the Fundamental Movement Skills. School Breaks: We have 2 breaks each day and all children are encouraged to engage in physical activity and movement. During term 2 and 3 we have Playground leaders who play various playground games with the younger classes. Duck Duck Goose and “What’s the time Mr Wolf?” are some of the favourites with the infants.
Partnerships: Our Active School Notice Board- P.E. Hall This keeps everyone in the school community (pupils, parents, staff, visitors) informed about upcoming A.S. events and different ways in which our school keeps active. We also have a suggestion folder attached to our notice board where pupils and active school committee members are encouraged to suggest activities. We also recognise some of our Sporting heroes on our notice board. Parents & Active Schools: Parents/ guardians are informed about different initiatives/ activities that we are doing as part of Active Schools in a variety of ways. Through the: Active School Notice Board Facebook & Instagram page School Website Our parents are very supportive of our active endeavours. Many of our them are involved with different sporting activities during the year. Some of our parents volunteer to help out on Active School Week. Some of our infant parents engaged with Sugradh Le Cheile this year. Through our H.S.C.L., many of our parents have come into the school this year to partake in physical activity through Dance Fit classes and Walk & Talk activities. We also have many parent volunteers who join us every Thursday morning for our Cycle Bus. Local Sporting Partnerships: We have a very well established partnership with our local G.A.A. club Aodh Ruadh which is located directly behind the school. We have G.A.A. coaches that work with us on a regular basis- Brian Roper, Sylvie Maguire and John Larkin (hurling). Declan Sherlock from Ulster GAA visits the school on an annual basis and teaches the children fundamental movement skills and hurling. Aidan Mc Guinness who works with Irish Water Safety Ireland visits the school on a regular basis to teach us about water safety. We also have a very well established relationship with Ballyshannon Leisure Club and the children from 1st- 6th and our Rock Hub classes partake in swimming lessons every year. Ag Súgradh Le Cheile is run by our H.S.C.L. teacher and was thoroughly enjoyed by the infant classes and their parents this year. We worked with Ray Gallagher this year from the Ballyshannon Rugby club who introduced the children to the basics involved in Tag Rugby. Physical Activities 23/24: September- Fidget Feet Workshop- gross motor skills -juggling, hula hooping Ongoing-Walk on Wednesday- many of our classes engage with a walk around our local area and Munday’s field every Wednesday. This often allows for curriculum integration and is linked with our Amber Flag. September- Cross Country- Tír Chonaill Athletics Club – 3rd-6th class September- December- GAA skills with Brian Roper October and April- June- Our cycle bus runs every Thursday morning before school. We meet at the Mall Park and cycle with two other schools (Scoil Naomh Chaitriona & Gaelscoil Éirne). This wouldn’t be possible without our parent volunteers and the Gardaí in Ballyshannon. We had a party in the school on the 13th of June to thank all of the cyclists, parents and Gardaí. Thanks to all of the parents and children who baked for this. October- Halloween Disco & Spooky Walkway October- January- Hurling training after school every Thursday December- June- Declan Sherlock working on Fundamental Movement and Hurling skills with our Junior classes February- June- Playground Leaders- Senior classes teaching and playing games with infant classes February- Ag Súgradh Le Chéile- Infant classes and their parents February- Cumann na mBunscol 5 a side Under 12 Hurling and Football in Inver January/ February – HSCL – Dance-Fit classes for parents February/ March- Running around Europe initiative- check out our social media platforms for more videos/photos March- Seachtain na Gaeilge- Whole School- An Dreoilín performance at assembly March- Whole School- Easter Egg Hunt April- May- Swimming Lessons- 1st- 6th and Rock Hub classes May/ June- Liquid Therapy for our Rock Hub classes May/ June- Cumann na mBunscol competition & North Leitrim South Donegal competition June- Well-Being Day- Ms. Brennan's class planned a fun filled day of activities for the whole school. June- 4th- 6th Active School Week- Sports Day 6th June. Thanks to all of our coaches and parent volunteers who helped out- Catherine, Ray, Emer, John, Sylvie, Magda, Barbara and Conall. |
14th June- 5th and 6th class went on a cycle out to the Knader woods. Thanks to the parent and sibling volunteers for helping us out.
June- All of the classes decided on 3 things that they would do to keep active for the month of June! 1st class choose- the climbing wall, Dodgeball in the hall and a daily run around the school